Wonder Assignment

Miriam Atilia (Atalia) Ballard

Child of Annie and Andrew Ballard

Who enjoys gymnastics, sports, family, and cleaning

Who despises dinner, piano, violin, tomatoes, and sometimes the color orange

Who wants everyone to be happy, to get straight A+'s everyday, to be super good at sports, to have a puppy, and the perfect room

Who wishes to be an only child, to have a million dollars, and to have peace on Earth

Who is afraid of skeletons, bad grades, her Mom as a witch, failure, and everything monster-like

Who dreams of beating all boys at everything, being a professional sports player, and being able to not fight with her siblings

Who value her family, her room, her traits, her life, and her pretty good grades

Who is proud of pretty good grades, the money she earns in a week, and be bale to go on a world tour

Who lives to become a great person


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